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We joined the town walking event in Nihonbashi "Nihonbashi Mystery Solving Halloween" hold at the nearby cafe 近隣コミュニティカフェ&バー Genomic Giraffe.
The event was based on a city walk through the streets of Nihonbashi to solve a mystery left behind at a restaurant in the Nihonbashi area.
It was impressive to see more than 20 people in total solving the mysteries one by one with the help of hints, while cooperating with people whom they had never met before!
Pertica was just one of the spots to solve the puzzles, but we were so happy to hear from everyone who stopped by and said, “I'll be back again soon!
Thank you very much for inviting us to this wonderful event!

Neighborhood Cafe Collaborative Street Walking Halloween Event
#perticacoffee#Event #Halloween#trickortreat
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