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A place for co-creation

X-BORDER KOZA, the Okinawa base of the Valve Hub community office
A place for co-creation that transcends regional, industry, and human resource barriers.


Located in Okinawa City, the Koza area is a town where challengers gather.

The Koza Startup Shopping Arcade, of which X-BORDER KOZA is a member, is a place for business such as startup support facilities, shared offices, and satellite offices of out-of-prefecture companies, as well as shared houses for engineers, a hotel for workers, coffee shops, and a social bar where unique and multidisciplinary people gather. The shopping district will consist of places for social interaction such as shared houses for engineers, hotels for workcations, coffee shops, and social bars where people from various fields gather.


We hope you will enjoy the excitement that will take place at X-BORDER KOZA, a community office that aims to bring diverse players together in Koza and connect them comfortably.

Confronting Game Change
Positive currents, from Okinawa.

The space is located in the Koza Startup Arcade community where many challengers, including startups, gather.

Floor Guide

A place for community members to interact. A place to relax during breaks or to share ideas that just popped into your head. It can also be used as a small art gallery, so it's up to you how you want to use it. If you have an interesting idea, please ask the community curator for advice.

Concentration Space