Hello, everyone!
It's finally getting colder these days,,,
I'm Yuka, so happy that the season for hot pot has finally come!
Now, I would like to announce a Pre-open Special Promotion!
S-TOKYO will have a pre-opening period from November 2023 to the end of March 2024 in preparation for the grand opening in April 2023.
During this period, you can use the co-working space at the following very discounted prices.
Campaign ①: 1 day trial offer
Normal ¥3,000 / 1day → Campaign period ¥1,500 / 1day
Applicable date : November 23, 2023-March 31, 2024
Available hours : 9:00-18:00
Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays
Advance Reservation: Not required (Please make direct payment to the staff on the 3rd floor. We operate on a completely cashless system.)
Please try it out first!
Campaign ②: Free Monthly Membership Plan for December and January
If you sign up for the monthly membership plan "Membership" by the end of December 2023, we will give you free monthly membership fee, locker usage fee, and corporate registration fee for the rest of the year!
In addition, the monthly membership fee for January 2024 will also be waived.
*After January 2024, locker usage fees and corporate registration fees will be charged.
*The minimum contract period for membership is 3 months for individuals and 6 months for corporations.

Campaign ③: 5 Days, 10 Days Trial Offer
Normal: ¥11,000 / 5 Days ・ ¥17,600 / 10 Days
→ Campaign Period: ¥5,000 / 5 Days ・ ¥8,000 / 10 Days
Applicable Period: January 9, 2024 - March 31, 2024
Available Hours: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Closed on: Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays
Advance Reservation: Not required (Please make direct payment to the staff on the 3rd floor. We operate on a completely cashless system.)
You can use it for less than half the regular price during the campaign period!! Please take advantage of this opportunity and give it a try!
If you would like to apply for the pre-opening campaign, ask us about it, or request a preview of the facility, please contact us by filling out the form below.
Contact for S-TOKYO