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「Breaking Travel News」の"Remote Workers and Digital Nomads in Japan"という記事の中で 東京の国際的なコワーキングスペースとしてS-TOKYOをご紹介いただきました!

こちらの記事は、北海道で英語対応可能な不動産ビジネスを営むのGraham Hill氏によって書かれました。


また、Graham Hill氏からこのような素敵なコメントもいただきました。

"As more remote workers become aware of co-working spaces, it is interesting to see the association of co-working spaces with self-employed people, including entrepreneurs, and start-up employees.  There is a certain kind of entrepreneur or remote worker that either does not want, or does not need, a formal office.  And yet, so many of us have strong relationships with friends and colleagues we meet through our daily work.  Coworking helps create some of the social function of traditional employment.  The people you meet at a co-working location like S-TOKYO provide the human-connection that traditional jobs used to create, but with more freedom than most corporate employees."



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